My first bachelor party was a success. Even though it was a diet bachelor party, with no drugs or hookers, it was probably one of the best weekends I've had with my friends. With all of us on different schedules we knew times like this weren't going to be very accessible in the future, as Mike lives in Chico with his girlfriend, Nate is pretty much married, Jon is basically married without the title, and myself am busy with my love muffin. So being miles from nowhere, in a rented out cabin by the lake we did what any other men our age would do......Drink! and drink some more. Vacationing somewhere remote is enjoyable and pleasant, but it blows to having only one store thirty minutes away and paying $30 for a 30 pack of beer. Plus, they didn't sell liquor in this "convenient" store but they had $8 frozen pizzas.

"The one that got away"
Is it just me or irony that on his bachelor party, while fishing, the groom-to-be gets a accidental fishing hook to the mouth? I definitely believe so. Hook, line, and sinker.